FREE Resources
Labour and Birth Packing List
To ensure you're fully prepared for your birthing experience, it's recommended to have your bag packed at least a month before your baby's due date. This preparation allows you to relax and focus on the excitement ahead. Download my FREE packing list (across). It is a comprehensive list of suggested items to bring with you.
Third Trimester Checklist
Feeling like the days are flying by? As you enter the exciting third trimester, it's natural to feel a mix of anticipation and a touch of anxiety. But fear not—this comprehensive guide is designed to help you navigate these final weeks with confidence. From practical preparations to personal reflections, we've got you covered. Let's ensure that you're as ready as possible to welcome your little one into the world.
To download your own copy of the Third Trimester Checklist, simply click on the image across, save and print!